"For me, a landscape does not exist in its own right...but the surrounding atmosphere brings it to life - the light and the air which vary continually. For me, it is only the surrounding atmosphere which gives subjects their true value."
- Claude Monet
Walking around Kiev last Sunday was hard NOT to notice the dramatic sky above...What autumn did not do to trees with leaves falls and winter with snow falls - the final cleaning is done by Spring. It striped down all remaining leaves from branches and made everything visible. Every detail of the art of architecture is on display, framed in a lace of tree branches on a foreground of moving clouds.
Leafless branches are making delicate yet strong presentation, reveling the beauty of buildings, otherwise hidden from sight. It's hard to imagine that prosaic color as gray could appear in such stunning variation when it touched with pinkness of the sunset...In a few weeks new leaves are going to grow and hide it all//
Welcome to "New Yorker in Ukraine."
Lived in New York for 8+ years, rented 3 apartments, worked 5 jobs, survived one divorce and one marriage, walked everywhere in high heels, ate uncountable street hot dogs, took subway anytime of the day or night, learned not to be scared of rats and cockroaches, and not to be upset with tourists blocking my way...
Subway ride: $2.25, Shoes: $525, rent: $3,300.00, being able to call yourself a New Yorker: PRICELESS.
You can take a girl from New York, but you can't take New York from her...
Subway ride: $2.25, Shoes: $525, rent: $3,300.00, being able to call yourself a New Yorker: PRICELESS.
You can take a girl from New York, but you can't take New York from her...
Beautiful! I feel like I am there...