Welcome to "New Yorker in Ukraine."

Lived in New York for 8+ years, rented 3 apartments, worked 5 jobs, survived one divorce and one marriage, walked everywhere in high heels, ate uncountable street hot dogs, took subway anytime of the day or night, learned not to be scared of rats and cockroaches, and not to be upset with tourists blocking my way...
Subway ride: $2.25, Shoes: $525, rent: $3,300.00, being able to call yourself a New Yorker: PRICELESS.
You can take a girl from New York, but you can't take New York from her...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

March 8th - International women's day.

After spending really long time abroad I fell out of habit to celebrate March 8th International Women's day. It is celebrated in Ukraine on a great scale.
Not only it is a state holiday, but it's one the most loved among Ukrainians. Every women of any age (including kinder garden girls) expects at least a little gift.
Most of women, that I know feel, that march 8th is the ONLY day they get something really nice from men in their life. Office parties are taking places on the one of the days before march 8th-this year March 5th was mostly a corporate celebration. (Who knows what's going on there... I heard it's a lot of fun).
In a way It is a tough day for men, they have to deliver what women want...Flowers are the must (I got some - see photo), then goes perfume, chocolates, jewelery, shoes, vacations to exotic places, cars-sky is the limit and the size of the wallet...some men even cook on March 8th!!! And believe me, men in Ukraine don't really cook, unless they are chefs.
One day, out of 365, they have to be appreciative to us. One day to treasure us. One day to celebrate us.

On the other hand we (women) have to be young, beautiful and cheerful; pleasant, kind and thoughtful; spontaneously adventurous, but wise; smell good and look even better, be stylish without spending a fortune and take your gifts with hi enthusiasm... today, just like every other day...

Happy International Women's Day!!!!

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